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Sport: FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, ... (FOOTBALL), tennis, skiing, volleyball, snooker, swimming

Sport club: FC Barcelona, Widzew Łódź, Lech Poznań, Chelsea London
Music team, musician: Roxette, Elvis Presley, Bajm & Beata

Instrument: accordion, piano, saxophone


Music work: music track from the movie "The last Mohikan", music track from the movie "Das Boot"


Film: The last Mohikan, Dancing with the wolves, Wild At heart, Gladiator


Actor: Harrison Ford, Steven Seagal, Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Janusz Gajos


Actress: each pretty and well-shaped :-)


Book: Ogniem i mieczem, Potop, Biały Jaguar, Orinoko, Digital fortress


Writter: Robert Ludlum, Dan Brown

Poet: Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmayer , Jan Sztaudynger

Meal: potato cakes of my own production :-), tomato soup


Color: blue, green


Car manufacturer: Honda, Ford, Mazda


A method of spending free time: looking at TV set during football match :-)), good book, modifications of this site:-)


There is a saying...: " Put a pig by a pig trough and it goes mad with delight" - match for all (without exception!!!) politicians (brrrrrrr)



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